Theatre Classes

Terms and Conditions

  • Our age reference date for classes is December 31st. For example, a child turning 9 years old by December 31st is eligible for the 9-12 age group classes beginning in September.
  • OST reserves the right to make changes to the class schedule following registration.
  • Insufficient registration in any class or workshop may result in its postponement or cancellation. In the case of cancellation, we will do our best to find a suitable alternative. A decision will be made 1 week prior to scheduled start date.
  • While we will do our utmost to avoid changes, OST does not guarantee the teacher for any particular class. We encourage OST teachers to Team teach so that the students experience different teaching styles and theatre techniques.
  • Our classes are designed to run from their September/October start dates until June, with each class working together to form a team, learn performance skills, and then move into play creation and rehearsals leading to the May Showcase. However, we understand that families who discover our programming halfway through the year still want to be able to get involved! With that in mind, we have a class enrollment deadline of January 31st (or February 28th for classes that begin in January). This is the latest point at which a new student can be integrated into a class play.
  • A transfer between classes will be allowed, subject to availability.
  • Class size is limited, and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • OST is committed to providing the best possible learning environment for all its students. The success of the program lies in the enthusiasm and co-operation of each student. Theatre is a TEAM sport. We expect the students and their parents to understand this and make every effort to attend all classes and rehearsals in the creation and development of their plays and performance pieces.
  • We will do our best to resolve any behavioral difficulties that may arise through empathetic communication with the student, adaptation of class activities if appropriate, and healthy boundary-setting. We want to see every student succeed, and we count on the support of parents as we work through any difficult situations that arise from student behaviour. However, if we are unable to resolve a disruptive situation, we will require that the disruptive student be withdrawn from the course without refund.
  • Students in Teen or Specialized Classes may be required to miss one to two days of school during the production/performance period, depending on the nature of the production. These special days provide great professional experiences and we believe in providing these experiences for the betterment of our students. We aim to provide dates well in advance, and appreciate your collaboration in creating time for these special days.
  • Student Showcase performance dates in May will be confirmed as soon as possible in order to minimize conflicts with other activities and ensure availability of all participants. Theatre time is limited and there is very little flexibility to change the theatre schedule. Any potential conflicts must be reported to the teacher and/or Artistic Director as soon as possible. Although we try, OST cannot always change performance dates to accommodate conflicts.
  • Any classes cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances will be made up at a later date, either in extra showcase rehearsals or extra classes. Please note these may need to be held virtually, using the Zoom platform. You will be notified in advance when this is the case. Thank you for your understanding.
  • In the event of extreme weather or direction from Ottawa Public Health, classes will be held virtually, using the Zoom platform. You will be notified in advance when this is the case. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Additional Covid Lockdown Policy – In the event of a lockdown, all in-person classes will continue online with the same instructor at the same time. There will be no refunds issued due to any Covid-related issues.
  • Ottawa School of Theatre may occasionally videotape or photograph students during performances or classes. These images may be used by OST for promotional purposes without prior notice, including on our website, social media channels, and for media distribution. Names will only be used internally, and on our Front of House displays during showcases; names will not be posted online alongside photos.
  • Do not come to class if you are sick. If a student comes to class and is obviously ill, they will be asked to wait in the office while we phone their parents to pick them up.
    • If you have recently been sick and still have remaining symptoms (a lingering cough, runny nose), please wear a mask to class. If a student comes to class with mild symptoms, their teacher may ask them to put on a mask.
    • OST has a long history of being a community-minded place where everyone can belong and participate. We strive to have a kind space, one where everyone who is not currently sick is free to wear a mask or not wear a mask without judgement. We ask for your compassion towards others by respecting their health, and their choices.

All classes, camps, intensives and workshops are subject to our Payment and Refund Policy, which can be found here.