Kathi Langston Post-Secondary Scholarship and Internal Awards

Kathi Langston Post-Secondary Scholarship

The Kathi Langston Scholarship was created in 2022 to help young people access performing arts education. This will be the third year this scholarship will be awarded.

This post-secondary scholarship will grant up to two $1000 cash awards to past or current Ottawa School of Theatre students between the age of 17-25 to pursue their post-secondary education in the performing arts. The two awards will be dedicated to one student from our English classes and one from our French classes.

Applications are due April 5, 2025.

Apply today.

Kathi Langston Internal Awards

The Kathi Langston Internal Awards were created in 2022 to help students access performing arts education. This award stream grants up to two $500 scholarships to current OST students to continue their studies at OST in the subsequent school year. The two awards will be dedicated to one student from our English classes and one from our French classes.

Recipients are nominated by OST teachers for outstanding performance in class and exceptional team spirit. We recognize all of these students as excellent and valuable members of our school community, regardless of age. All nominees are publicly celebrated at our End of Year Party.

From the pool of nominees, two recipients are randomly drawn by our Board of Directors to receive the $500 awards. Award recipients are announced at the End of Year Party.

For both the Kathi Langston Post-Secondary Scholarship and Internal Awards, we are allowing family members of the Board of Directors to be eligible. Scholarship adjudication and award draws take place in a special Board Committee, which may not include any relative of any applicant or nominee. Further, any Board Member with this conflict of interest must recuse themselves of any conversation about Scholarships and Awards in the year in which their relative is applying or nominated.