Twenty years ago, Kathi Langston organized the first All Ages Play. Over the years, the All Ages Play has become deeply entwined within Ottawa School of Theatre’s DNA. Kathi always knew it would be a hit with teachers, students, parents and the community at large. Now she’s back to celebrate the legacy.

“The All Ages Plays were my most favourite times at OST,” said Kathi. “So many great memories. I’m very happy and feel so grateful to have this opportunity.”
To mark the 20th Anniversary, Kathi chose to adapt Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. The beloved Canadian classic follows Anne Shirley as she arrives in Prince Edward Island as an unwanted orphan and finds a true home, while bringing joy and beauty to those around her.
“I love the story. I love the characters,” Kathi explained.
Anne’s story features a range of characters of all ages, which lends itself nicely to our multigenerational casts. This All Ages Play has a cast of 90, ranging in age from 6 to 80.
Almost 150 years after her birth, Lucy Maud Montgomery’s beloved novel has world wide acclaim. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people visit PEI to see the house that inspired Green Gables. Recently, L.M. Montgomery’s manuscript has been added to the prestigious United Nations Registry.
At the end of the day, much like Anne’s story, the All Ages Plays are about family. As Kathi explains, “My favourite part of the All Ages productions is the creation of the theatre family and the beautiful connections we make along the road to a production.
“What’s not to love?”
We couldn’t agree more. Welcome back, Kathi!