We offer a wide array of classes for teens, from basic acting classes through to theatre specializations. Whether your interest is musical theatre, theatre design, criticism, classic theatre, or film, we’ve got a place for you to learn new things and hone your skills.
Audition Monologues – 12+
This 12-week class will help you perfect your monologue(s) and get you ready for any audition. You may bring in your monologue(s) or choose from some provided; pieces may include music or be musical, be comic or tragic. You might want to work on a short performance piece inspired by poetry, music or something else! Ideal for students preparing for a specific audition opportunity.
Teen Acting & Performance – 13-17
Build your acting skills with a more advanced study of improvisation, character development, dialogue, and monologues. Students will work on voice, movement, blocking concepts, script analysis, and performing individually and as a group. Opportunities will be provided to those who want to design their own costumes, set and props, and marketing design. This class culminates in staging a play in the OST Student Showcase in May in the Richcraft Theatre.
Teen Classics – 13-17
The classics make for exciting and dynamic theatre, and a deep understanding of drama. This class has it all – love, death, battles, comedy, costumes, and masks. Explore theatre origins with segments of Commedia dell’arte, Shakespeare, Greek Tragedy, Chekhov, and more. This class will lay a foundation for future theatre endeavours. The students will discover the historical settings, learn the character voices and physicality, and speak and feel character emotions. This exploration of theatre origins culminates in a stage play in the OST Student Showcase in May in the Richcraft Theatre.
Teen Behind the Scenes – 13-17
Explore the world of theatre design and backstage management! Students will have the opportunity to try different design elements, including set, costumes, props, lighting, and sound. The class will learn about the tech booth and backstage areas, and learn stage management skills. This course is highly practical and hands-on, with students working as the design and backstage team for a play in the OST May Showcase in the Richcraft Theatre.
Teen Improv – 13-17
Say YES to creativity in the moment, working as a team in this class that will keep you on your toes! Students will learn improvisation basics; voice, movement, and characterization; and many styles of improv game. Have a tonne of fun while working together to improve technique, leading to a performance in the OST Student Showcase in May.
Bilingual Teen Theatre Appreciation & Criticism – 13-17
We’re excited to bring this course back for a second year! In this class, students will work with an OST teacher and a theatre critic, both fully bilingual, to learn to appreciate and evaluate professional theatre. Registration fee includes tickets to at least 8 plays in Ottawa at different venues, in English and in French, which students will attend together. Through drama exercises and text exploration in class, students will learn to appreciate the acting and design work involved in producing a show. Students will also meet periodically with a theatre critic to learn how to analyse plays and write insightful criticism. The class will culminate in each student having the opportunity to publish a play review for the public.
Ottawa produces so many beautiful plays in both English and French, and this course is offered bilingually to create an appreciation for plays and theatre tradition in both languages.
NEW – Music Video Production – 13-17
OST is excited to offer this brand new course, as a collaboration between our musical theatre and filmmaking streams! In the fall, students will work together to choose, rehearse, and perform a song together, recording all instrumental and vocal elements together with a music teacher. Then in the winter, students will work with a film teacher to create a music video for their song for release in the spring!
Note that this class runs on Thursday evenings in the fall semester, and Saturday afternoons in the winter semester.
Teen Sketch Comedy – 14-17
Explore sketch comedy and general silliness! Come have a load of fun and work on your comedic chops as we play improv games together and build a series of sketch scenes to present while you learn how to harness your inner comedian. Don’t be fooled – learning comedy is fun, but truly challenging, requiring commitment. It will bring your acting skills to the next level! This class culminates in a show in the May Showcase in the Richcraft Theatre.
NEW – Musical Accompaniment – 14+
Calling all musicians! Bring your skills to OST and learn how to accompany live performers in this new, unique course. Musical theatre calls for collaborative, flexible musicians who can help both the material and the singers shine. In this 9-week course, students will improve their sight reading, timing, and sensitivity to live performers.
Students must already know how to play an instrument and have some level of comfort sight reading sheet music. Keyboards are provided by OST; other instruments must be provided by students.
NEW – Sound & Music for Stage & Film – 13-17
This class is for students with musical experience and/or great musical enthusiasm who would like to explore the role that music and sound play on stage and in films. Students will deepen their understanding of musical scores and sound design, and learn sound effect creation, audio recording, layering music over a scene, and related skills. This class will culminate in a final project created by the students and presented in the OST Studios in May.
NEW – Filmmaking – 13-17
Combine your acting skills with a love of storytelling in this introductory filmmaking class. Students will work as a team with an industry professional to conceptualize, act, film, and edit their own film for screening in May. No previous experience is required, but acting and other creative skills students bring to the table will be welcome in this creative process.
Acting on Camera – 13-17
Lights, camera, action! Discover acting technique for the camera, including ways to explore character and text to tell a story on film. Students will work on monologues and scenes individually and in small groups, and explore audition techniques, demo reels, and basic video editing.
Teen Musical – 13-17
Designed for teens who may have some musical theatre experience or who may be trying musical theatre for the first time, Teen Musical touches on the history of the art form and the skills required to perform. Students will explore acting through speech and movement, musical theatre dance techniques and styles, and individual and group singing. Dance choreography will be taught to the full class, and 1 individual vocal coaching session will be provided to each student. Previous musical experience is an asset, but enthusiasm, commitment and team spirit are the only prerequisites for this class. Students will work together from September to June, leading to a musical presentation in the OST Student Showcase in May.
Advanced Teen Musical (Audition entry) – 13-17
Calling all triple threats! This new course takes OST’s musical theatre stream to the next level through auditioning for and rehearsing a Jr. Musical. After roles are assigned, students will build their ensemble in the fall semester and work on important foundational skills. Led by their Director and Musical Director, with guest artists assisting with choreography and vocal coaching, students will rehearse a musical for the May Showcase in the Richcraft Theatre and potential other venues, complete with live band accompaniment.
While almost all courses at OST provide equal stage time to all students, Advanced Teen Musical is a competitive, audition-entry class, and some roles will have less lines or shorter stage time than others. However, there are no small roles in theatre, and every student will receive a great experience from this class! This is the perfect class for students considering the performing arts in post-secondary.
We encourage students to audition if they feel they are strong in at least two out of the three key musical theatre skills (acting, singing, and dancing). Previous musical experience, such as other musical theatre classes at OST or elsewhere, are recommended. Students may also consider joining if they have gained acting, singing, or dancing skills through other venues and are ready to put these skills together in this intensive course. Upon registering for the course, students are granted an audition. If they are not admitted to the production, the registration fee will be refunded in full.